Fred Sargeant Assaulted - Hey, remember the Felker Kerfuffle? When the defense meeting of the Burlington Republican Committee accused the participants of this year's Pride parade of attacking the elderly Fred Sargent, Stonewall vet instead of a weak man against the elderly? The alleged incident has caused a lot of thought in the tiny legal ecosystem of Vermont journalism. At a September event at the Pride Center, Felker tried to squeeze more juice by leading a small group of protesters to defend the honor of Sgt.

Felker made his accusations. There seems to be no evidence, so it's like Rashomon's case that will never be solved.

Fred Sargeant Assaulted

Fred Sargeant Assaulted

The entire Pride Parade "against". He never released the video to the public even though he was crying because of it

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. There is absolutely nothing that could threaten the police's personal safety. If there was such a physical assault, Felker was unable to capture it on video.

I know this because someone got hold of the video and posted the entire 18 minutes to YouTube. Feel free to check it out yourself. I have, and I have written extensively. You will forgive me if I go on too long. But no word counts in blogging, so I can Zapruder this baby if I see fit.

Submitted for your approval: Christopher-Aaron Felker, racists, unsuccessful candidates for elected office, anti-racists, occasional banshee from Twitter, and - lest we not remember - chairman of the Burlington Republican Committee.

Felker is seen here leading a small group — I see ten or more in this video — of people protesting Outright Vermont's annual car fire Saturday on Church Street. (Click on the link at your own risk; it's a two-hour video shot on a smartphone by one of Felker's associates.)

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Felker is the head of the Vermont chapter of the LGB Alliance, a so-called gay-rights organization whose only interest is in fighting discrimination.

More on integration in a second. First, the question needs to be addressed: What does VTGOP think about its hated city chair? What does President Phil Scott think about this man who is the public face of his chosen party? Will he go beyond the expression of frustration and work to excise this carbuncle from VTGOP's ass? Or is it all hats and no cows?

2014 Election 2016 Election 2020 Election 2022 Election Bernie Sanders Business Economy Finance Covid-19 Economy Education Energy Environment Justice Gender The Light Issues Government Health Care Justice and Policy Reform Matt Dunne Peter Shumlin Phil Scott Politics Scott Millen The Sue Minute Media Vertmon State Party Senate Gay rights activist Fred Sargent protested at an LGBT event in Burlington, Vermont, for allegedly holding signs of transgenderism, the 74-year-old French-American activist wrote on Facebook on Sunday.

Fred Sargeant Assaulted

"So, I went to Pride to fight against their negativity, homophobia, exclusion and isolation. I was met with shouting, various acts of violence, ageist comments, shoving, slapping the back of my head, pouring coffee on me and again trying to steal my name," the officer wrote on Facebook.

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Sargent said in a statement that he carried a sign that said "black face, woman's face" with a line through two sentences, possibly referring to the queens and biological men as women, show that they refuse. (RELATED: Montana Says He Will Ignore Transgender Birth Certificate Law)

"I'm going to the ER to get a look and a bandage. Sunday," Sgt. posted on Facebook at 1:59 p.m.

Fred Sargent, 74-year-old gay rights pioneer who was at the Stonewall riots, and who co-founded the first Pride march in NYC, was beaten and robbed by left-wing artists and trans activists at a Pride event in Burlington. VT on Sunday It marks a critique of trans ideology. — Andy Ngô 🏳️‍🌈 (@MrAndyNgo) September 20, 2022

The officer was also seen with a sign that read "Gays Not Queer." Sargent criticized the group that called the show, Vermont's Pride Center, for using the word gay to "exclude the breadth of sexuality and gender identity under the LGBTQ+ umbrella."

By Navy News

"We are shocked by the news that Fred Sargent - Stonewall veteran and founder of Pride - was beaten and robbed at Burlington Pride by attendees for asserting the rights he has fought for years ago," the LGB Alliance, an organization that protects lesbian, gay and bisexual rights "recognized by biological sex," the event's Twitter account said "We send love and sympathy to Fred and pray for his speedy recovery," the agency added.

Sargent founded the Gay Pride March in New York City in 1970, and served as vice president of the Homophile Youth Movement, according to a biography on his website. He also participated in the Stonewall protests of 1969.

Both Burlington police and Fred Sargent did not respond to The Daily Caller's request to confirm the incident. The Pride Center of Vermont did not respond to a caller requesting comment.

Fred Sargeant Assaulted

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