France Fighter Jets - French jet maker Dassault recently pulled back the curtain on its sixth-generation fighter jet. The Future Combat Air System, or FCAS, is Dassault's first global fighter jet since the Rafale of the 1980s. The plane, which was developed in cooperation with the European aviation giant Airbus, will fly for the first time in 2026.

The prototype of the jet fighter was unveiled today at the Paris Air Show. A balloon jet has a raised canopy that gives the pilot excellent visibility. It has two guns and an F-35-style air strike. The FCAS has a composite wing, which increases the interior volume of the aircraft and provides more space for storing fuel and weapons inside. Instead of traditional, separate horizontal and vertical stabilizers, FCAS looks like a single point low-angle stabilizer, which makes the aircraft more stealthy.

France Fighter Jets

France Fighter Jets

The fifth and sixth generation are quite expensive without developing single and two-seat versions, so the FCAS is almost certainly a single-seat jet. A mockup of the cockpit, posted on Twitter, shows a digital screen that takes up almost all of the space in front of the pilot, allowing for a wide view of things like maps.

Rajnath Singh Receives First Rafale Fighter Jet From France The New Indian Express

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Get a feel for what the #SCAF #FCAS cockpit looks like... At #PAS2019 expect lots of news about the so-called remote carrier options and new weapons from this project. — Carmen Osborne (@Rotorfocus) June 16, 2019

, said the FCAS design is "1/3 or 1/4 larger than the Rafale." The fourth-generation Rafale fighter jet carries not only its fuel and special equipment, but all its weapons on its wings and fuselage.

Stealth fighters are designed to have such stores inside to maintain the number of radar-rated fighters, but have every ability to carry them externally once air superiority is established and enemy air defenses are no longer a threat.

France To Sell 30 Rafale Fighters Jet To Egypt In Multi Billion Dollar Deal

FCAS will be the largest in the history of the European network. France has traditionally gone its own way, designing and building its own fighter jets, but this time it partnered with Airbus to create a replacement for France's Rafale and Europe's Eurofighter.

Airbus is Spain's and Germany's partner in the fighter jet industry. The UK, which bought the Eurofighter, introduced the Tempest fighter jet in 2018 alone.

It might be more accurate to describe FCAS as a family of systems defined by Dassault as the combat component and Airbus as cloud computing and remote communications. These are considered to be autonomous or semi-autonomous drones or fighter jets that fly in the hands of a pilot to establish a mission.

France Fighter Jets

In battle, the pilot could remotely control several carriers: some to simulate full-scale fighters, others to jam enemy electronics, and others to attack anti-aircraft tanks and missiles. The FCAS remote carrier concept is similar to the United States Air Force's Loyal Wing concept.

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You can find other FCAS capabilities by looking at existing aircraft. France would certainly want a carrier-based version similar to the current naval version of the Rafale to fly the carriages of Charles de Gaulle and his successors. This carrier scenario requires a powerful, integrated unit to handle the attack during carrier takeoff and landing.

The FCAS will also be capable of carrying nuclear weapons. The French version would require the ASMP nuclear missile or its replacement, and Germany and other NATO countries would be required to be certified to carry America's new B-61-12 nuclear bomb.

Sixth-generation jets, FCAS, will allow European countries to leapfrog fifth-generation jets when fourth-generation Pollux and Eurofighter jets are launched. The fifth generation is stealthily compromised, converting sensor data into coherent battle images, capable of bleeding at or above the speed of sound.

While the capabilities of sixth-generation jets are generally not well defined, two FCAS capabilities are the ability to remotely control carrier drones and access cloud-based networks to transmit, send and receive customized data. part of the sixth generation standard.

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France Fighter Jets

France has found a buyer for its Rafale fighter jet after a two-decade search. President Francois Hollande announced Thursday that Egypt will receive 24 aircraft worth 5.2 billion dirhams ($5.9 billion), and the country's defense minister arrived in Cairo on Monday to sign the deal.

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France has been flying its domestically produced Rafale since 2006 and has tested it in US airstrikes in Afghanistan, Libya, Mali and most recently against ISIS. However, Dassault Aviation faced considerable difficulties in selling the device abroad. Brazil, Libya, Morocco and Switzerland are all gone, so they still trade with India and Qatar.

Then Egypt. "Egypt is looking for copper fast because of the threat," Hollande asserted. He added: "Given the current situation, I believe it is very important for Egypt to remain stable and secure."

However, budget-strapped Egypt could be seen as a great buyer for French fighter jets. It already has the largest air force in Africa, and the Rafale, one of the most sophisticated fighter jets on the market, cannot significantly increase its ability to fight insurgents on the ground.

Egypt's purchases may require a shift in supply, analysts say. The military, traditionally one of America's staunchest arms buyers, thanked Egypt for spending $1 billion in annual U.S. aid on American equipment. But after the military overthrew democratically elected President Mohamed Morsi in 2013 and ousted supporters of the Muslim Brotherhood, Washington's aid was halted.

France To Deliver 35 Rafales By 2021 End, A Solo Fighter Will Join In Jan 2022

U.S. aid resumed, but relations soured. Earlier this week, military-ruled President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi met with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Cairo to share plans to build Egypt's first nuclear power plant. President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi chooses French military equipment and shows once again that his government is not only dependent on the United States "Egypt is very dependent on the United States. It cannot change its policies with those who oppose the pressure on the council," said Anthony Cordesman. , Director of Strategy at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, "You sent a message."

Indeed, Egypt faces multiple security threats. In the restive Sinai Peninsula, Islamist insurgents, increasingly loyal to the Islamic State group in Iraq and Syria, have launched frequent attacks on troops and oil facilities. Since the ouster of Muammar Gaddafi in 2011 (thanks to French Rafale airstrikes), the power vacuum in western Libya has given way to Islamist groups. Underlining why Sisi is such a threat, a Libyan group linked to Isis kidnapped 21 Egyptian Copts last month.

But Egypt does not need the Rafale against these threats, experts say. The air force already has 230 F-16 fighter jets, French science professor and Egyptian military expert Robert Springborg told Le Monde newspaper. The problem, he said, is not a shortage of planes, but a lack of adequately trained pilots. In particular, the Apache helicopters supplied by America to China will be more effective than our own fire against the rebels. "One thing is clear," Cordesman said. "Military power should not buy more competition from national priorities."

France Fighter Jets

But Egypt's economy has yet to recover from the turmoil that followed the 2011 Arab Spring protests that toppled dictator Hosni Mubarak. Sisi's government is backed by $12 billion in aid from the oil-rich Gulf states. 13 percent of the country, including more than half of the population under the age of 25, remains unemployed. The IMF expects growth to reach 3.8 percent this fiscal year, a step in the right direction, but still well below the previous average of five percent. 2011 protests.

Iaf Chief Bhadauria To Flag Off 6 More Rafale Jets From France Next Week

But France was "desperate" to sell the Rafale after twenty years;

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